Robin Sharma is the author behind ‘The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari’ an international number 1 bestseller, a book that has helped people from all around the world to live a more joyful and meaningful life. Here he is in an exclusive interview with Mirela Sula, the founder of Global Woman.
A unique 2-day summer event of thought provoking talks, enlightenment, new knowledge, inspiration, and networking, which will empower you financially and Conscious Leadership. A rewarding weekend, personally and professionally, that will boost your wellbeing, wealth, and relationships, and to realise your dreams and desires, achieve higher success in your career or business and fulfill your […]
Global Woman Club Paris – We had an amazing full day celebration of Global Woman in Paris last weekend, and we are very gratefull to all delegates/speakers that joined us to connect and inspire. Very happy that we have know a Global Woman Ambasador in Paris, Connie-lee Courageous Bennett who will continue running regular evevents […]